

SRMS Biometrix

What is the Secured SRMS Biometrix

"Secured Biometrix" helps organizations to collect, access, validate and verify personnel identity by evaluating one or more unique distinguishing biological traits. Highly customizable, various identity source parameters can be used as a basis for validation of identity including finger print, and facial recognition. With fast data processing at its core and its user-friendly interface, it helps save time throughout the identity collection, validation & verification process ensuring convenience, compliance & accountability to users.

SECURED BIOMETRIX is easily installable on computer running on a Window OS and can run concurrently with any available software. In addition, it comes with sufficient man power for installation and training resources to enable effective usage.

warehouse and technology images grid

Why use our SRMS Biometrix

Secured Biometrix provides organisations with benefits including cost risk reduction, robust system to conveniently capture bio and biometric data, a friendly and secured data management environment.


Drive decisions with factual information

  • Ensures factual accuracy in data registry, prevents fraud and abuse;
  • Zero chance of 2 users having the same identity parameters.


  • Free up time spent on manual identity research and validation;
  • Reduces paperwork.

Increase the security profile of your workspace

  • Data is highly secure, protected from external threats agents;
  • Deterrence against fraudulent activists and bad actors.

Use Cases

Evaluate personnel identity, validate authority and control physical access to secure environments.


General Access Control

  • Protect access to physical areas where vulnerabilities would otherwise exist.
  • Residential Access, Schools, Areas with sensitive information e.g. customer information.

Attendance Registry

  • Track the participation of people at designated places and time periods.
  • Employee check-in, Event Attendance, Class Attendance.

Identity Verification

  • Equip security gate keepers with tools to validate identity of people of interest and guide effective decision making.
  • Law Enforcement, Banking, Airport Security.