
Security Assessment

“Defenders have to get it right always. Attackers only need to get it right once.”

The phrase above, though applicable to multiple spheres of life, is especially true in the digital world where cybercriminals have an advantage in a never-ending cybersecurity war. However, despite the existence of the defender’s dilemma, we have the ability to turn the tide in favor of the defender. This is done by determining the landscape on which the attacker functions, countering their strategies by proactively closing security gaps and flipping the script on them. But, how do we determine this landscape with the odds stacked against us? Defense-in-Depth.Defense-in-Depth is a process whereby your digital security is installed in layers. This means that the attacker has to get it right always to gain access whereas the defense mechanism only needs to get it right once. Flip the script.

At Secured Records Management Solutions, we implement a security assessment to understand and improve the depth and ability of an organization’s layered security. The assessment is a process by which we scrutinize and implement critical upgrades in the cyber defense infrastructure of our clients, for the purpose of creating a stronger defense network and depth. It enables the security of our client organizations to be viewed holistically.


  • Through our skilled security experts, we identify assets in your organization, and implement our data classification process, effectively granting you a holistic view of your organizational security.
  • We also provide structure and guidance, giving you access to insights on the impact of data compromise in a particular company asset.
  • In a case where no security infrastructure is in place, we ensure to setup and implement a well-thought-out process using a layered security model.


  • We use the results of our identification process to assess your organizational security risk, and in a worst-case scenario, mitigate the impact of a security breach on your organization.
  • Utilizing risk assessment techniques, we identify and assess threats and vulnerabilities in your organization’s assets.
  • Through our security assessment, we help you justify the importance of investing in enterprise security, and also aid with its implementation.


  • Utilizing the advisory prowess of our skilled security professionals, we put in place the security needed to keep your organization safe from cyber-threats.
  • We also grant a periodical review of your organizational security risk to ensure you remain ahead of the curve in cyber-defense.