
Partner for Growth. Collaborate for Excellence.

Explore collaboration opportunities with us, and discover how you can benefit from our partnership programmes.

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Featured Partnerships

We are currently partnering with world-leading oganizations.

Why partner with SRMS?


Excellent Turnaround Time

High customer satisfaction is a priority for us. Our solution support team helps create and maintain a reputation of excellence in the delivery of post-sales support services that exceeds expectations.

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Flexible Training

We offer hands-on and remote training to project partners across the country, using technology to drive the learning process and by constantly providing guidance to ensure solution mastery.

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Marketing Support

We provide a complete sales and marketing support including, marketing materials, videos, co-op branding, etc.

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Commercial Benefits

Through our various partnership programs, we provide opportunities to increase revenue sources or create cost savings.

Partnership Programs

Solution Partners

Collaborate with us in the development & deployment of solutions, and create additional revenue streams for your business. Gain first level support from us through expert insights, training, direct team collaborations and post-sales support.

Media and Advertising Partners

Collaborate with us, gain access to trade opportunities and rewards exclusively reserved for corporate media advertisers, and industry influencers.

B2B Sales Partners and Affiliates

Are you freelance business developer with a strong network of contacts in the B2B marketplace? Register with us and become a sales partner & affiliate; Earn residual commissions on sizable deals introduced or brokered.

Trade Partners

Provide complementary products and services? Partner with us for mutually beneficial trade opportunities. Increase the value of your product and/or service offerings to your current and potential customers in the marketplace and increase your earning potential.